by Greg Babcock   Home  Telescopes  Binoculars  Imaging  Gallery  Venues
2024 Total Solar Eclipse           Viewed April 8th, 2024 from Mazatlan, Mexico 
Gallery-2024 Total Solar Eclipse-In the clouds
Composite using ZWO Camera & Sony 300mm Telephoto-Corona & Earthshine at 3rd Contact
Ghost Image-Clouds acted as a rear projection screen.
Approaching Totality/Second Contact-Promenences & Beads-Zoomed in view
Ghost Image-Clouds acted as a rear projection screen. 
Approaching Totality/Second Contact-Promenences, Beads & a hint of Corona. 
Approaching Totality/Second Contact-Promenences, Beads & a hint of Corona-Close up view..  
Spear shaped Prominence-Super Close-up 
  more Total Solar Eclipse images...    
2024 2017 2009 2001 1999 1998
Total Solar Eclipse
April 8th, 2024
Mazatlan, Mexico
Total Solar Eclipse
August 21st, 2017
Baker City Orego
Total Solar Eclipse
June 22nd, 2009
Iwo Jima Pacific
Total Solar Eclipse
June 21st, 2001
Total Solar Eclipse
August 11th, 1999
Total Solar Eclipse
February 26th, 1998
Aruba, Caribbeann
Total Solar Eclipse  April 8th, 2024 the Path
2024 Eclipse Path

2024 Total Solar Eclipse-ECLIPSE DAY
LEFT: Venus to the right, unusual Shadow Bands below-next to our Hotel using Samsung Phone
RIGHT: Drone imaging Eclipse/Croud? Imaged with 300mm Telephoto

Eclipse Day-LEFT Joni & I
Eclipse Day & Sunset Later that Evening
Click for more Eclipse Day scenes
  the Mazatlan Night Sky  
The Mazatlan NIGHT Sky-more details to come - Click for larger Image with labels
The Spears Travel Group
    The 2024 Mazatlan, Mexico Total Solar Eclipse    
The Mazatlan,
Mexico Experience
Yachting in
more to come
Imaging Summarizg...
Cloud cover hampered efforts to get a clear crisp image of the Cororna.  But it made for a plethera of "artsy" cloudy images.  This was the first time I took 2 cameras deditcated for the Eclipse.  The Planetary Camera ZWO I432 & the Sony A7C & 70-300mm f/5.6 Telephoto.  Only one image using it.  That was taken by Joni.  That image revealed a nice profile of the Corona & showed "Earthshine.  From previous images of the Moon, I know the camera can deliver a lot more than was asked of it.  It was light and traveled well.  It will likely be taken on future excursions.  However, I may upgrade to a 400mm for the image scale.  It may well be enough equipment for the low in the sky Eclipse in 2026.

Though the Corona was a bit of a challeng, Beads & Prominences were easily extracted through the clouds.

All in all, very pleased with the results.  For a while, the weather report was very iffy to say the least. 
  Mazaltan, Mexico
Eclipse Excursions always include an element of touring. 

This was our first time to Mexico.  I hope it will not be the last.  The warmth and hospitality of the staff and residence beyond what we could ask.  Weather in the upper 70s, beach and sunset views were excellent.

Nearby (walking distance) was one of the nicest, if not nicest, supermarket I have been to.
Unlike other excursions, we/guest in our group were on our own to pick our activities.  Aside from live firey entertainment shows and beach walks, we also zip lined.  No brakes on the wheels.  Now I know what it is like to land on an aircraft carrier.

You know you are enjoying yourself when you wish you could stay longer.

Special Thanks to Spears Travel

The Coming Eclipses
    Total Solar Eclipses     
2024 2017 2009 2001 1999 1998
Total Solar Eclipse
April 8th, 2024
Mazatlan, Mexico
Total Solar Eclipse
August 21st, 2017
Baker City Orego
Total Solar Eclipse
June 22nd, 2009
Iwo Jima Pacific
Total Solar Eclipse
June 21st, 2001
Total Solar Eclipse
August 11th, 1999
Total Solar Eclipse
February 26th, 1998
Aruba, Caribbeann
2024 Total Solar Eclipse  Viewed April 8th, 2024 from Mazatlan, Mexico   by Greg Babcock   Home  Telescopes  Binoculars  Imaging  Gallery  Eclipses  Observing
  Contact Me:  Greg Babcock  at  

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Coming Eclipses & Transits

Eclipse & Transit Links
Next Solar & Lunar Eclipses
Next Lunar Eclipses
The MARCH 29th, 2025 Eclipse I would love to see-BUT 78% chance of Clouds
the Next Total Solar Eclipse
Time & Date Site on THIS 2026 Eclipse
The Eclipse over Egypt
Total Eclipses Imaging Guide
Eclipses & Transits
Eclipses & Transits
by Greg Babcock
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  Contact Me:  Greg Babcock  at